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The Sentient Races

Study the nature of and the differences between Bloodkin's two sentient races, arkhel and nourts.


The taller of the two sentient races, arkhel are related to predatory mammalian hexadactyls like fieruls and oveks. Their sharp teeth and hard, flinty nails reflect this ancestry, and while they are omnivores, they favor meat. Raw meat is an arkhel-oriented delicacy in most parts of the world.


Arkhel are not one species. There are three main species of arkhel, named for their continents of origin: Emeralian, Chekorusian, and Matalk. These species can intermix to produce offspring, commonly called mixed-breed or half-breed arkhel (or, more derogatorily, “mongrels”), but these offspring are sterile and prone to health problems. Until the modern day, few half-breeds survived to adulthood, and they are still looked down on in many parts of the world as less valuable and rendered social outcasts.


Arkhel women and men look very similar. Men tend to be taller and slightly more muscular in build, and women tend to have a softer figure and develop breasts. Women are generally considered the dominant sex in relationships, especially since their heat cycles dictate when they search for a partner - and thus when men can find partners. Historically, many arkhel-dominated societies have been matriarchal, with arkhel women taking many husbands. This system lingers on in Caenarr, but most of Eastern Emeralia is fairly egalitarian, with Tanyara even leaning slightly patriarchal, placing high value on martial prowess.


Young arkhel are born with their eyes and ears closed, and both open between one and two weeks of life. Twins and even triplets are common. Their mothers produce milk to feed them during their early infancy, but their developed teeth make them ready to eat solid food early on. Arkhel children need a lot of meat in their diet to fuel their quickly growing bodies.


Arkhel tend to have high Thread density, meaning that they have many Threads in their bodies. As a result, they tend to be very in tune with physical stimuli and have a great potential to become fast and strong, mirroring their ancestry. They mature more slowly than nourts, reaching adulthood around age 16 and living for about 70 years.

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From left to right: a male Chekorusian arkhel, a male Matalk arkhel, and a female Emeralian arkhel.

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A nourt woman holds her recently hatched son


The shorter of the two sentient races, nourts are related to the reptilian-avian quinquidactyls - a group which also includes snabuls and siubexes. Despite this, they have some mammalian appearance in their facial features. They have flat teeth and are omnivores. Notably, nourt blood appears greenish, intensifying in color with age from a dull muddy teal to a vibrant leafy green.


Nourt men and women look extremely similar. Both have a common stature and build, both grow a crest of feathers on their heads, and both fulfill similar social roles. The main point of outward differentiation is the coloration of their leathery, scaly skin; men have skin tones in various shades of blue and green, and women tend to be some variation of brown or orange. Sex has no bearing on the coloration of their feathers. Sex also has no bearing on muscle mass or height. Add to this the fact that they are an oviparous species, and nourt-dominated societies tend to be very equal, with no gender roles.


Nourts are monogamous by nature and pair for life. At times these pair bonds are broken, such as by death or betrayal, and such a change can be drastic and devastating to the point of having measurable negative physical impacts. Nourts have been known to waste away or even “die of a broken heart” after a partner dies or leaves.


A nourt woman can lay one egg at a time. Nourt eggs have soft, leathery shells and flourish in warmth. Men and women share the role of caring for eggs until they hatch, at which point men and women share the role of raising children. Nourts hatch with fully operational senses and teeth, and they begin eating solid food right away.


Nourts tend to be very Bright and in tune with the vivrialic side of the world. Their Threadsight is often keen, as is their ability to grasp and manipulate Threads. They mature and age quickly, reaching adulthood around age 13 and living for up to 60 years.

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