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  • davidsonbrynn

Whew! This was a long month!

So let me apologize yet again for the sparseness of blog posts. Gotta do something about this! But in my defense, May has been a busy and long month; I spent the first week or so finishing up commissions and other existing projects. Thankfully, I've been able to do more Bloodkin-related art since to get me back where I like to be. They're mainly dramatic or alternate-universe depictions of Veshal. I just can't help myself! Here they are:

Unfortunately, I have also been struggling big time with my fibromyalgia. I thank all my friends, internet friends, followers, et al. for your patience, understanding, and support. I've surpassed 100 followers on Twitter, and I'm dangerously close to 500 followers on Instagram. I'm glad that people have been enjoying my Bloodkin art, especially the first one, which I titled "Shame." I wanted to show the darker side of the story and the darker side of the main character, since I keep insisting that Sins of the Mother is a tragedy.

I'm leaving on Thursday for a trip to Uganda. This will be my second trip there, and I'm very excited to go back. I'll be there for three weeks, and now that I have a general mobile tablet, I can draw on the go. So hopefully I'll be able to make and finish some more art while I'm there, and I'll try to make at least one blog post while I'm out and about. After all, there are so many characters who need full bios! At the very least, I'll make another post upon my return to let everybody know how the trip went.

All right... I guess I'll speedrun some recent developments and things I've been doing, and I'll call it good for today. I finished a long D&D campaign (at 22nd level), binged all of Battlestar Galactica (I am ruined forever), read a bunch more H. P. Lovecraft, learned a lot about volcanism in Guatemala, and fell back into my pit of sci-fi horror and conspiracy theory-based obsession (what can I say, I like it weird).

I hope everyone has had a better May than me, and I hope you all have a good June since we're coming up on the end of the montha and the advent of the next. Take care, embrace your creativity, and good luck to all!

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