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  • davidsonbrynn

Time Flies! Halfway Through April Already

The year is passing by WAY too fast! It's crazy to think I'll be in Africa in less than two months, and the (albeit loose) deadline I've set myself for the launch of Bloodkin is rapidly approaching. I've made some good progress this week on thumbnailing and sketching for the current chapter-in-progress; I've been sharing to my Instagram story, and sometimes I make interactive "caption this" stories. Check out my Instagram if you want to participate!

I have also been blessed this week with some commission work, for which I'm always grateful. Better yet, I have some illustration work.

Last weekend, I finished an art collab with @devilsdetailsanddesigns on Instagram. I did the illustration, and they did the card design. Here it is, in all its glory:

I can't believe it took me so long to draw Vivienne, since she's one of my favorite Dragon Age characters, and one of my top female characters of all time. Beautiful, fancy, ruthlessly pragmatic... what more could you want?

I also have some other art collabs and side projects in the works. Keep your eyes open for those on my social media!

Unfortunately, the art has really slowed down this week. I've had horrible, debilitating pain in my shoulder, to the point where even writing this blog post is a tiny bit aggravating. In fact, that's part of the reason I won't be giving y'all a Bloodkin character bio this week; I have to limit myself to some extent. I've been so proud of the progress I've made with health and fitness over the last few weeks, since strengthening my body is a key part of dealing with my chronic pain and fatigue, but every once in a while I have a few days or a few weeks like this, where the pain overtakes me and reminds me of my condition.

It's so important not to feel too bitter when these limitations start closing in around me. I try to turn it into drive and ambition, something to overcome. But when the pain is so random and unpredictable, it can be hard to find a reliable way around and forward. Nonetheless, I have to keep hope and determination. I have to take care of my body for now, but work will resume as soon as possible.

Thank you to all the people who support me on social media, and thank you to all the people who take the time to look at my blog posts. Have a good weekend, everybody!

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