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  • davidsonbrynn

Say Hello to Chapter 2!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your holidays are off to a good start, and if you're traveling, travel safe!

My Thanksgiving was spent at home, chilling with my family... and of course, finishing up the new Sins of the Mother chapter so I could share it with all of you! I started scripting and working on this one a good long while ago, and despite the challenges it presented, it was such a delight to see it finally finished. I hope you enjoy it! (And I hope you don't mind a minor cliffhanger!)

In the new chapter, Veshal visits an old, less-than-friendly part of town to share Larfi's gifts with some old friends. On his way back out, he is accosted by new ones....

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Clara Cerro
Clara Cerro
Nov 24, 2023

It was so good!! 😍 You have really detailed backgrounds, and the cliffhanger is so good 💕

Nov 26, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much! I'm glad you think so! 😁

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