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  • davidsonbrynn

Reporting In - And Meet Gulnel!

This week did not go as expected, let me tell you that. Over the weekend, I updated a LOT of software and drivers on my computer, as a LOT was out of date. Unfortunately, every individual thing I updated made it increasingly clear how out-of-date everything around it was. It was a multi-day process of figuring and reconfiguring, making sure everything was in order. And just when I thought everything was, indeed, in order....

Photoshop was the one thing still giving me grief. I tried every fix in the book, and when I ran out of options with no results, I asked the Huion subreddit. They were stumped. So I asked the Photoshop subreddit. They gave me tablet fixes, even though it became clear to me--and I made it clear in turn--that it as not a tablet problem, but an issue with the program. I couldn't work for four whole days.

I've been planning for a long while to get a mobile tablet so I can do art on the go, especially since I'll be taking a rather long trip later this year and I need the means to work while I'm traveling. Getting a tablet means getting another program at least for mobile use anyway. So what I did was I switched to Clip Studio Paint this week.

And would you look at that, CSP wasn't having the same issues PS was. It's taking me some time to get used to a new program, but I'm mostly just grateful I had an available option. This also means I can move away from the very expensive Adobe suite, which I was planning on doing eventually (because I am poor and do not yet have a steady source of income). In short, it seems that everything I was already going to do anyway was just accelerated by my tech issues.

So now I have CSP, a general mobile tablet, and the ability to work again. I'm adjusting to the new program pretty quickly, and I intend to produce the same and better results as normal going into the future.

Introducing Gulnel Iltelsan!

At age 18, Gulnel has been an adult by arkhel standards for two years, and he has spent those two years at the Te'an Academy of Vivrialics, studying the latest and most advanced of Emeralian science. Gulnel is a man of many talents, being strong in body as well as in mind, and he is a talented duelist as well as a budding scientist.

He's a firm traditionalist from a family of firm traditionalists, and he stands an example of the perfect Tanyaran boy. He adheres to societal values, acting stoic and strong and practicing swordsmanship. He is disinclined to break norms and is a believer in Amicticism (the dominant religion of Tanyara), the law, and authority. He is uncomfortable with difficult political questions, favoring security over change, and avoids forming particularly strong opinions on social issues.

Gulnel also has a soft side, and his outward rigidity hides a warm and sensitive core. He accepts others of different beliefs and has no goal of converting others to his way of thinking, generally holding a "live and let live" attitude.

Given his casual stances and his comfort with Tanyaran customs and culture, Gulnel acts as a foil to Veshal, a strong-believing counter-cultural. Despite their differences, they share a powerful friendship. Gulnel met Veshal during his second year at the Academy (Veshal's first year), and Gulnel saw in the smaller, stranger man a good heart, even if Veshal seemed a bit ridiculous. Although Veshal's beliefs are peculiar, they're harmless, and Gulnel cares far more about his trustworthiness and good intentions than about his weirdness.

Gulnel has been courting Raelle Lorithan, a daughter of a wealthy merchant family in Te'an, for about a year now, and they have been engaged for one month. They intend to get married at the end of the current school year. Although he doesn't wear his emotions openly, he has great affection for his fiancee and is extremely excited to marry her.

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