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  • davidsonbrynn

Long Time, No See!

Hi everybody! Long time, no see!

Sorry this blog has been silent for so long. The last couple of months have been super crazy. I’m gonna give you the greatest hits, so to speak.

In June, I took my trip to Uganda. Despite dehydration and mosquitos trying to kick my butt, it was a good and successful trip! I ended up getting a bit sick and needing to come home a few days early, but that didn’t stop me from having almost three whole weeks with my then boyfriend–now fiance! That’s right, I’m engaged now!

Before you ask, we don’t have a wedding date set yet. We’re still figuring everything out, since–surprising no one–international relationships like this can get tricky. But we’re working on it!

Also in June, I finally surpassed 500 Instagram followers and I’m still happy about it! I started a “Draw This in Your Style” challenge to celebrate, and I was over the moon when people started actually joining! (Very cool, skilled people, by the way–check out this post: to see who participated, and give them some support if you haven’t yet!)

July mostly consisted of recovering from the travel. I also saw Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse finally (which I was supposed to see with my fiance, but we were thwarted by the release of Elemental and The Flash, both of which I now hold a grudge against as a result), and in short, I have a new favorite movie. I could dedicate a whole post to the movie, and it would be a long one, so I won’t get too deep into my thoughts right now. Suffice to say: it is perhaps one of my favorite multiverse stories, I admire the care it takes with its characters and the intricacy of its themes, and its visuals were awe-inspiring and very creative.

In July, I also got to see one of my best friends in the world for the first time in 2+ years. It was a pleasant surprise, and it boosted my morale more than I would have guessed. Said friend also introduced me to “Enderal: Forgotten Stories,” a total conversion mod for Skyrim, and I’ve been having a lot of fun getting to know the game and its tale right along with him.

Now we’re getting into August, and there’s not much going on in the future… except putting the pedal to the metal when it comes to Bloodkin! I’ve been figuring out the comic features in Clip Studio Paint more and more, and I’ve also been working on my speed lately. I’m excited to keep working on this immense project, and I’m so far still on track for my goal to launch at the end of October.

Thank you everyone for your patience over the last couple of months! And thank you to everyone who’s supported me on social media. I’ve gotten to make a few new friends online, particularly getting to bond over Across the Spider-Verse, and it’s been fun to engage creatively with good media and with my fellow artists. I hope I can produce (and keep producing) art worthy of your love and support!

Fanart inspired by The Spot! :)

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