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  • davidsonbrynn

Back from COSine 2023

For the first time in about four years, I got to go to a con this last weekend! (Hence the lack of posts on all my social media. Apologies!) It was COSine, a Colorado Springs-based sci-fi and fantasy convention with an emphasis on writers. Several years ago, COSine was the second convention I had ever attended, and I loved the experience. As a small, local convention, it is mostly frequented by local attendees, artists, and authors, most of them indie. As an independent creator and businessperson myself, I strongly believe in supporting others on this path, especially those several years further down the road who have helped pave the way for relative newbies like me.

This iteration of COSine was just as fun. It was my first con since the shutdowns started in 2020, and thus also my first con since I began suffering with fibromyalgia. My pain, irritation, and fatigue started acting up, but it seems that my early attempts to take care of my health and fitness this year have already done me some favors. Although I experienced the (unfortunately) usual discomfort, I was not significantly hindered all weekend, and I feel pretty darn good today. I'll take this experience as more motivation to keep exercising and taking care of myself!

One of the most fun parts of this con was the fact that my cousin got to fly out to join me. She, like me, loves art and writing, but she does a lot more traditional and mixed-media art than I do and writes more prose than I have in a very long time. This was her first convention experience, and she enjoyed it. We look forward to hitting more cons together in the future.

My little brother also came for Saturday, and it was his first con experience, too. He only sat to listen to one panel, but he had a blast going through the art show, dealers' room, and authors' row. Honestly, in my opinion, that's where the real action is!

After all, the people make the con. I remembered so many of the creators I met this weekend from several years ago; if not by first name, then by the covers of their books, their merch, and their distinctive artwork. There's a very cozy vibe at such a small con, where everyone seems to be at least friendly with everyone else, and we are all there with similar goals and interests. Many of the people there were able to offer tips, help, and good old conversation, and I got contact information from some lovely folks who have more experience and connections than I do.

(Side note: This con also marked the first time someone asked what pronouns to refer to me by. For general information, call me whatever you want. Legitimately.)

This week I will be thumbnailing and sketching another chapter of Sins of the Mother, and the complete article on vivrialics will be coming soon. It's a long one! At the start of February, I will be reopening my Fiverr commissions (making Bloodkin happen isn't cheap!), so stay tuned on all my social media if you're interested in getting some art from me.

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